Monday, June 22, 2009

Well the adventure is about to begin. All the furniture is sold. We are down to our luggage and 8 - 18" x 24" boxes. That is the largest size we can carry as "excess" baggage on the plane. Gracie (our dog) has given up trying to figure out what is going on in the house.... all her "special" places to rest are gone.... and so is ours, as we sold our mattress, we're air bedding it!

Visas are in hand and the congregation gave us a wonderful "hasta luego" party yesterday. Lots of tears... we will miss all our dear friends from the Reno-South Spanish congregation..... But as you know we never lose friends in the truth, we just keep adding to our friends. (100 fold) Most of the new ones will be from the Canaribamba congregation in Cuenca. We have already met several of the friends in the congregation along with many "need greaters" serving in Cuenca..... now the opportunity to really get to know these dear friends. We can't wait!

So as I said in the beginning of this blog ........... Let the Adventure Begin!