Monday, May 24, 2010

Let me introduce you to .....

Patricia Gonzales!

This little sister was in our congregation but just moved to another part of town, thus a different congregation .... Patricia has one sister in the truth who serves in sign language Spanish (Marlene) and her mom Imelda (no not Marcos, .... Gonzales.. although she likes shoes too, now that I think of it) who is in the truth as well.... Both the sisters are excellent examples .... Patricia in spite of her physical problems, is a regular pioneer. Even though she often has broken bones, she is in her ministry or has her bible students come to her house to have their study .... she is a trooper! Always with a positive attitude ..... she is a joy to work with in the ministry.

One day (the same day as the video) I asked her what she looked forward in the New World? What do you think she said? ........ I'm thinking she's going to say getting out of this stinking wheelchair and running around like a little kid .... That's what I would have said! (selfish me) She has been in her chair, or on crutches for most, if not all her walking life aaah rolling life!  (Let me ruuuuuunnnnnnn) Nope, her response was she can't wait to be able to share the truth and teach those who will be resurrected! Now how cool is that! I have to say I was a bit ashamed at my original thought being a bit more selfish ..... Oh I'm sure she won't say when the day comes "I prefer to be in the chair, pushed around by all my friends" ...

She is a great example.

What you thought she was going to be speaking English? ...... Where do you think we are Reno USA? We're in ECUADOR no one speaks English here .... So what's she saying?..... Well she's saying how much fun we had in the ministry that morning and that Bro. Guillermo (me) is a really nice brother and blah blaah blaah ..... but I could say just about anything, and most of you wouldn't have a C L U U U U E would you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What's up with the Heilig's

Hello everyone...

We hope things are going well for you all. We have been busy and also dealing with heath issues.... Carol was diagnosed with Hepatitis about 4 weeks ago.... She has been sick on and off, since the beginning of March ..... after about 10 days she started feeling better, but every time she tried to get going she felt exhausted and would poop out, after just a little bit of activity... at times she had problems breathing and she thought we were going to have to go to the hospital at one time... then the breathing got better .... but still tired all the time ..... when she was young she had Hepatitis A and supposedly you can't get it again.... well at least not the No. American version .... but we're not in No. America anymore, Toto .... so it appears that it can be had again ..... (Perhaps you remember the Hardings,  they had the immunization for the Hep before coming from Australia, but Gail got it anyway) ... Something appears to be different here ...... We finally had a blood test completed which revealed Carol has the Hep ... that being said she has been in rest mode for about the last month ..... while taking it easy,  the computer has been her constant friend, her window to the world ..... problem was once she started feeling better from the Hep, she got a cold from me ..... And I even tried not kissing her, (that was hard to do) while I had it, (the cold that is) so as not to add to her woes (you can take that however you want) ..... She started feeling better from the cold and then,  from spending a fair amount of time on the computer,  she developed a problem with her wrist....clicking the mouse pad I would guess.... that has been excruciating,  the pain that is... one of the nights this week she couldn't sleep from the pain, so,  I couldn't sleep from the pain either .... I don't know if any of you have had any carpel tunnel type of problems, but that is some of the worst pain I have ever experienced and now she is dealing with it.

I on the other hand,  have had problems with my stomach, pain and frequent trips to the bathroom (Incan revenge) then the cold, (La Gripe), oh I almost forgot while I was in the worst faze of the cold, during one of the nights I was snoring (hard to believe) evidently a LOT and was getting jabbed during the night, so WE didn't sleep that night, very well.... So I decided to sleep on the couch the following night, and slept like the proverbial BABY, but when I got up, my lower back was killing me.... kept thinking it would go away... it didn't, ... so the Chiropractor brother and I were companions this week, a few different times, now fortunately,  I'm on the downhill side of all that, and waiting for the other shoe to fall .... just kidding!

Even the dog (Gracie) has had problems with something down here, allergies, itching skin, tick ....etc .... ... more exercise seems to have helped her condition, so we are keeping up on that regiment..... she doesn't mind a bit.

Soooooo it's been fun and games for the last several weeks... And for that, I have been blogging less ...... Some of you are I'm sure, are thankful for that! ;-)

Sorry no photos :-( ........

Well no photos when I did this blog, but today the photos I can attach, Videos which worked last night don't work today..... What in the world?