Hello to all and our love and affection go out to you..... I don't know why (Yeah I do) but I just got the idea to share with you what the weather is like here in Cuenca .... Not that you really care but..... I thought I would share it any way!
This is the "rainy season" but it hasn't been all that rainy.... In fact the power supply basically depends on the rains as they use water, to power generators that make the electricity, that we use in our homes here .... Well due to a lack of water in the form of rain .... we have rolling blackouts .... the schedule is printed in the paper each week and it normally lasts for 2-3 hours per sector in the city..... it's not all that inconvenient except when you have work to do.....(Back to the weather report) Due to the rains not falling as normal .... (we are still getting them, just not as much as normal) temperatures are a bit higher then normal, maybe 4-5 degrees during the day ... but then temperatures are always about 65-70 degrees... maybe as high as 75 during the day.... yes this is, as I would consider it, to be as close to perfect, weather. In fact for those who know the Souzas (they just arrived here in Cuenca about 12 days ago) .... Sara and I were working "house to house" (preaching for those not familiar with the expression) yesterday, when we were in the sun she said "it's hot" but when in the shade "it's just right" ..... yeah, she sounded like Goldilocks.... It's so warm, that I make sure I wear my hat, "the Panama" that's ventilated so that the landscape above my ears doesn't suffer from from the intense sunshine and warmth being radiated from that yellow ball in the sky.
Well just though you would like to know what the weather is like here ..... What's it like where you are? Warm I'm sure! ..... Oh, it's not? ... What? It's cold? ... You gotta be kidding!!! What's that? Those on the west coast ... It's really cold? Snowy in Reno? ....... Oh I'm sorry ..... Hee hee ..... Well you can always comfort yourselfs with the fact that we dont have electricity all the time, and you do, of course you need it more then us, ..... as for some, you wouldn't have heat.... But for those of you who are skiers, I'm sure your in heaven! .... Oh that's right very few of you like to ski ......
Sorry I just could not resist ..... I HATE and I mean HATE the cold! .... Wish you could be here with us! ;-)