Well after 3 weeks we have some photos and videos of our current adventure, and thought you may find it of interest. Most of the territory here is out of town, and even in town, is what you might consider out of town (know what I mean? If not you'll have to come on down to understand) With all the photos and videos I have taken I just thought we should share some of our experiences of the ministry and with the friends we have come to know and have an appreciation for.
Carol and Monica preaching "through the dust". Literally! |
The next day we were going to preach in the rural areas close to town ... but the main roads were closed due to a high school running competition... So off to the campos! We drove about 30 minutes and we finally got out and preached below is a video of the area.
And in this photo a coconut palm tree, perhaps you can see that it has tires growing on its side. Why would a palm tree have tires growing on its side? |
I was working with ReneƩ that day... He has been in the truth for about 35 years... one of the originals here in Ecuador. Although we were in the ministry, he was in search of not only deserving ones that day, but also two platano plants (is that redundant? I think not!) and when he found them offered to pay the man something for them, but of course he would take nothing. The mans son dug them up and then he put/cut them into manageable size... (translated meaning small enough to fit in the cargo area of our car... mud and all..... oh well)
The generous plantation owner, Jorge (on the right) but you already knew that.... right? |
Prepping them out for the trip home, watch out for the man with a machete in his hand.
Just before that escapade, we preached to a school teacher and her class and were able to use the white board to explain the truth.... That was fun .... I felt like the teacher.... Yeah! ... The little guy on the bottom left tried to get out of the photo ... he wasn't successful was he? ... Gotcha!
After finishing this area of about 20-30 homes.. (you would call them shacks) we headed back to town.... On the way we are driving and as we passed a group of workers, someone mentioned that sister Soila was in the group... so we went back and said hi... of course she was there with her workers clearing land and brush..... reaping bananas to sell in the market.
(And yes that is a machete on her side.... Those things are everywhere here. Can't walk around without one.... I going to get one, just so I look the part.) |

Of course after we greet her, the COOB has to get out of the car and into the story. Yes the man on the left is Ed Holdner he has been here for on and off some 38 years, when he and his wife haven't been here in Ecuador they have been in Mexico and Europe serving. (And yes in case your wondering that is a 49er football team hat and also notice NO ties in the ministry...... SWEET!) When he and his wife arrived in Malacatos just over 2 years ago, there were in attendance about 22, now on Saturday evening there is just short of 100 at the meetings... Imagine that! And the publisher count has doubled .... most of that from the territory.
Well the question is, how do you finish a day like that in the ministry? First thing you do, is get back and EAT! Thats what you would do right ? Then perhaps take a little nap! Or a long one depending on your likes! Then when you get up to the afternoon rain, lightly falling ...... you look out and see ......
This turned into a double rainbow but I was out walking Gracie and didn't have my phone with me to catch it.... Sorry but, you'll just have to imagine it!