Friday, August 21, 2009

The Aussies are here as Well

Ok, .... so you have heard about the "other couple" in the congregation that just moved in a bit before us. Let me introduce you to, Don and Abigail Harding. They are from the great Down Under! (can you hear the accent) Wonderful people! They have in the past, served in Fiji (Working on the Branch) and Malaysia doing something similar. Also they have a 30 something year old daughter serving here in Ecuador for several years, and wanted to serve where the need was greater. Ecuador is relatively cheap to live, and I'm sure the fact that there daughter was serving here, was a great bonus as well. We get to be in service most days of the week with them and enjoy that funny accent they have. (They say we have the funny accent....whatever! ..... just kidding) Also they have a TON of expressions that we don't have in the States. One they have learned from us is "Cute"..... Yeah I know, not much huh!

In addition to the Hardings are the Spauldings, (Rodney and Karen) they are serving in another congregation here in Cuenca. Sorry no photo.... they too are wonderful folks. Now get this ... both these couples moved here, without speaking a lick of Spanish and they are attending a Spanish congregation.... now that, takes guts! I am happy to report, they are all progressing very well (with there Spanish of course) and they are a huge encouragement to us, and the congregations.... one other nice thing is we are all on the same page when it comes to the "differences" (wink....wink) experienced here. I remember the first time we met the Spaldings. It was after the circuit assembly back in March. Us and the Webbs had dinner at a very nice restaurant near one of the rivers here in town. After dinner and a great evening together, I remember Karen saying how glad she was to have had an entire evening visiting, and speaking English .... Here even the little things like that, are a real blessing! We feel blessed to have come know an ever expanding brotherhood, and seeing others making such a great effort to serve where the need is greater! (Oh by the way Spaldings, that was us that hollered at you from the cab, when you were on the street corner the other day. Looked like you were out in your ministry ..... you GO guys!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your nice comments Bill. We were wondering who that was in the taxi!! Not sure if coming here speaking no Spanish takes 'guts' or requires you to be just a little crazy. But even thought we are only slowly getting the Spanish thing, we would not trade this ministry for anything. Glad you are becoming acquainted with the Aussie version of English - see you are learning another language! Maybe after the DC we can get u an Carol over for a 'taste' of Vegemite too! Keep up the good work you two. Your experience is so valuable to the congregation(s) here!! R&K
