Hello to all ... this last weekend, we enjoyed a "National Assembly" (I know ... in the states it's "convention". Here they are all "assemblies") The day before it started, we had invited a couple of fleshly sisters to come and have dinner with us. (The sisters Mendez) These two dear ones, live an hour and a half from Cuenca, in a city called Canar. (sounds like Canyar) Canar is at 11,000 feet or (3,400 meters as they say here) so it's a bit cold, and the wind blows something terrible there. They moved to Canar, from Georgia, where they had been serving, in a congregation where the need was greater. Nice gals! In Canar they serve in Spanish, (there is also a indigenous congregation that speaks Kitchua, where there is a lot of growth as well) They explained that they have Rats in the house (sound familiar Webb's?) and they can hear them crawling around during the night ... freaked out at first, but now have accustomed themselves to it, (however that works) and that the friends have cats, bigger then the rats to help keep the population down. Also to help them with the cold, they were given a heating blanket by a sister back in the states as gift and they share it, to keep warm at night.... Each one gets the blanket for a night, then the other, the next night. (it's a twin blanket) Not exactly sharing it, the way you thought, when you first read that, was it? In Canar the elder serving is a Special Pioneer that cares for the congregation. In the ministry, they have much interest and a very large territory. So large, that when they work the outer limits, they only offer literature, and invite interested persons to the meetings. Once they show up at meetings, they will then, offer a bible study to the individual. It's not that they would not be able to start a boat load of studies with people in the rural areas, it's just that they can't get back to them, on a regular basis, to study with them. So if the individual, manifests enough interest to come to meetings, the friends will make the effort to conduct a study with them. (that's the way it is here in some areas, where the need is even greater then great) That make sense?
Next blog .... report on the "Assemblea Nacional". We had a few over 10,000 as the peak, but most days we had 8,500 or so..... Want to take a stab at how many were baptized? What's normal? About 1% of the attendance, right? Stay tuned for the results!
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