Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great start the day after the Customs escapade

Ok... I paid last night for my ticket, to get back to Cuenca this morning, first thing. Slept maaaaaybe 2 hours on the airport bed. (bench of chairs) Met a guy who was heading back to the States after visiting his In-Laws in Cuenca. When he saw me the first thing he asked "Do you speak English"? So we spoke for a few hours, until he evidently got his daily dose of English, or he was board with he conversation. So I am up at 3AM to catch the plane at 6:50 (never can be too early to the airport) Oh that's right ..... I was already there .... oh well. So, we get the call to board the plane, for which, I being more then happy to comply, so I can get home. All is going well, we are in the air, we are served our morning sandwich and cup of coffee. (30 minute flight and they serve food, really, I'm not making it up) But after the normal amount of time we are not back on the ground in Cuenca. Next thing you know we are being told that we are to ready ourselves to land in Guayaquil. So to give you an idea of what happened, imagine you headed to Reno from Vegas and suddenly you are told in a few minutes you are going to landing in San Francisco. (And you can't see the ground for the clouds to figure out we're "not in Kansas anymore Toto") But here is the funny thing, I thought I boarded the wrong plane because the pilot doesn't tell us he had to re-route the plane. I'm thinking I'm a MORON and wasn't paying attention when they gave instructions. And the funny thing was that, on the tarmac they had 2 planes from AeroGal one for Cuenca and the other for Guayaquil right next to one another ... so I assumed, I made a left when I should have made a right. Once back on the ground, they still don't tell us it's not us. But I notice that a few other passengers are talking, rolling there eyes, scrunching there faces, etc.... so I start to think that maybe I'm not such a moron. (I can hear some of you saying "no so fast with that conclusion, Heilig") and thankfully more then one person (me) took a wrong turn. Turns out it's a meteorological problem (right) at the Cuenca airport.... (that's the official version and you should hear the guy with an announcer voice, try to say meteorological in English, it's hard enough for me to say, and I speak English.... kind of) but I just got off the phone with Carol and she says it's only partly cloudy at best, so who knows what's going on..... I think there's problem with the control tower ..... and they don't want to admit they didn't pay the electric bill. Speaking of which, we have 24 hours to pay ours ("but we just got here") I don't know maybe they have us on the weekly payment plan. More later ..... as of yet here in Ecuador never a dull moment!

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