Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nice Couple that Hardings allow us to attend Study

Hello to all... In the photo you see a young couple that the Hardings  ( better known to you all as "The Aussies") study with each week. We have the privilege of being asked to come and to help out with the Spanish... (The way they are progressing that won't last much longer ..... bummer!) This young couple is making nice progress. Each week when we come they are prepared with the lesson studied, and ready to get started. Hernan, Luisa and there cuter then cute baby boy Dario ......Usually once we get started, that little one wants mom and dads attention... so Gail being a mother and grandmother starts the entertainment process, .... plays ball with him ... talks on the imaginary cell phone with him and generally keeps him occupied .... I say generally because even the most talented persons, such as Gail can find keeping a 16 month old, entertained 100% of the time, a bit of a challenge! 

This week Lucia’s mom came to Cuenca from the coast to visit and care for a young child who had medical needs to be cared for.... she didn't know that we were at the house having the study, and when she walked in an saw us, she got so excited to she that her daughter and son in law were studying, that we all got warm hand shakes and the girls got kisses and hugs..... She is a sister in a congregation on the coast. She mentioned that she will be going to the meeting with us on Sunday, so we encouraged  "her kids" to attend the meeting with her as well..... Sunday, we will see if they take the bait and come... we hope they do .... (They did and enjoyed it very much... said they would be back next week) They are a very nice couple and we hope to see them serving in the congregation with us, in time.

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