Of what do I write? Well many of you know Carl and Eslie Webb, (Here seen doing what we do when we are not doing the other thing we do ..... PREACHING!) however many of you do not .... that being said, a bit of background is necessary..... "The Golden Couple" from here forward, referred to as, "TGC" came into our lives several years ago from California.... as they moved to Nevada to serve where there was more need in the Spanish circuit of congregations around Reno .... if I remember correctly they moved directly to the Sparks area but traveled to Fernley to serve in a Spanish congregation .... I think I have that part right..... They have had the privlidge of serving in 3 congregations since coming to No. Nevada that I know of, and have served in substitute circuit work ..... they are a great couple! ... When we came back from Ecuador in November 08 ... the following day of our return there was the Special Assembly Day and talking to the different friends about our experiences Carl a bit later asks, if, when we go back to investigate Cuenca, they can come along? Of course!
When we return to Cuenca in March / April we are all together and have a great time at which time they can see themselves serving here.... upon return to Reno they start working to get down here and make Jan 2010 their move date.... move ahead 7-8 months and here they are! Arrived after a brutal trip, getting rerouted through NY from LA difinately to long way around ..... They arrive a day later then planned..... Well I didn't say they were the platinum couple just "TGC"!!!!!
Upon arrivng in Guayaquil, .... they have 1 instead of 2 nights to stay at the Branch due to day late arrival, ...... while there, they are informed that the electricity rationing and water rationing has finally stopped in the country.... (Carol and I joked before hand, that when TGC arrived, the rationing water, electric would all stop, once they arrived,.... and so it did, ... right on arrival) Am I saying they have the ability to change the weather and very powerful forces in place? ........ That's exactly what I'm saying!
1st GC thing to happen in Ecuador......Then when they get to Cuenca, they have a furnished apartment available (Spauldings from Australia on leave for vacation and work, .... back in the land down under) to use for the first 3 month here, if they want to ... no hurry, no worry, just scurry into town and get settled..... after getting their bearings ..... (6,000 mile trip takes it out of you, even if you are TGC)... they start looking for an apartment of there own and find a nice new 2 bedroom, In what we consider to be the nicest part of town! It wasn't originally available so they were going to take a 3 bedroom in the same building, then, at the last minute the owner of the 2 bedroom calls and says the renter fell through and they could have the 2 bedroom, if they still wanted it ..... TGC thing going on again.... I always seems to work out for them!
2nd GC thing to happen in Ecuador ..... they invite us to come and see the apartment an check out the 3 bedroom (perhaps we would be interested in it) Well we were but it wasn't now available (We're not TGC, and as you know, things don't work that way for us ;-) ..... Upon inspection of their apartment, I'm looking out the office/ guest bedroom, and what is directly across the street of the apartment? ... A pay booth where you pay all your phone, electric, internet, water .... one stop shop and pay.... this place is a clear shot from the apartment, attach a rock to the bills and the money owed, and give it a throw, ... TGC doesn't even have to leave the apartment to pay all the bills other then the rent! (well not literally) ....
3rd TGC thing to happen in Ecuador.... Oh yeah "The Apartment" ........ this place is on the 3rd floor perfect view of the mountains and I mean the nicest mountain view available in Cuenca! "The Apartment" has nice granite countertops and beautiful cabinetry with roll out drawers, bathroom with bathtubs (not normal here) bus stop a 100 feet of their entry door to the building all for? ................. 270.00 a month!
4th TGC thing to happen in Ecuador! Then once the deal-e-o is signed, they have a good portion of the place painted all done for 80.00, .... including the paint! They don't even have to go and look for someone to do the work, as the maintaince guy in the building does the work! TGC thing going on again!
5th TGC thing to happen in Ecuador! Then Carl has to inform me that they took our advice on when to go, and what to show up with, at the offices of immigration, ..... for them it was less then an hour for everything! You may or may not remember that it was an all day thing for the Heilig's..... That had TGC thing, written all over it!
6th TGC thing to happen in Ecuador! They get an assignment to serve in a congregation that has the meetings here in the city more or less.... but beautiful productive territory going out from the city..... In fact all they do is talk about how beautiful and green and creeks and blah blah blah ... how nice the territory is ... yes we understand, we understand already! However they do mention that the territory is up and down and hilly and WHATEVER (Its just a little hilly ;-0 ).... they got it GOOD! Photos attached....
Finally in all fairness they don't have it all perfect (Thank goodness!) They have to go up against the mighty latin american slowness and confusion trying to get things done ..... THE INTERNET hookup! it took them 6 weeks to get it done..... As you can imagine I sighed a bit of relief, as I thought it was just me that couldn't get things done down here .... of course they thought it was not that big a deal and that it all went fine ... TGC attitude! I'm learning from that!
If you think I sound bitter? ..... I AM!!!
Naw ..... Just kiddding.
We know TGC. My husband studied with him when he was a kid. We showed him the first picture he ever saw of the Queen( she was just a princess back then in Costa Rica ) he told us he was going to go to Costa Rica, meet her and marry her, He did! I know what you mean about the Golden thing. Keep us posted on TGC. Enjoyed your writing. Mary Lewis